Court of the Deacons of the
Ancient and Royal Burgh of Linlithgow

The home of information about the
Annual Riding of Linlithgow Marches
The Marches
The Riding of the Marches of the Ancient and Royal Burgh of Linlithgow is a tradition dating back to the 16th century.
The Court of the Deacons of the Ancient and Royal Burgh of Linlithgow, known as the Deacons Court, continue to organise the Riding on the first Tuesday after the second Thursday in June every year.
Linlithgow Marches 2025 will take place on
Tuesday, 17 June 2025

Taking Part
Deacons Night Processions
Deacons processions will take place on Saturday 7th & 14th June 2025 at 6.30pm from the West Port car park to the Cross. The Provost, Bailies & Deacons of the Deacons Court will be in attendance to install those Deacons presented.
All organisations who wish to install a Deacon should intimate, in writing, the name and address of their Deacon and My Lord to the undersigned on or before 27th May 2025, also stating the preferred day they will be present. A form is available to download online at www.linlithgowmarches.org NOTE All groups who install a Deacon are expected to participate in the Marches Day Processions.
A trophy will be awarded to the group who, having installed a Deacon, have in the opinion of the Judges, made the most notable contribution to the success of Deacons Night.
Decorated Vehicles, Tableaux and Other Procession Floats
Entries are invited from organisations and individuals for the various trophies to be awarded on Marches Day, 17th June 2025. The prize money for decorated vehicles, tableaux and youth sections is £50, £30 & £20. Entry forms along with a description of the categories are available online at www.linlithgowmarches.org and must be returned to the undersigned on or before 28th May 2024.
Decorated Bicycles
The prize for decorated bicycles are Book Tokens which are sponsored by Linlithgow and Bo’ness Rotary Club. Entry forms are available online at www.linlithgowmarches.org and must be returned to the undersigned on or before 27th May 2025.